Our Awesome Features
Some feature of this software that's help you generate more revenue.

Dedicated Support
Get support 24 hours quickly from your dedicated support manager.

Role Based Manager
By assigning different responsibilities to all account managers, the work will be easier.

Realtime Reporting
Get every single reports in a seconds by filtering and download.

Anti Fraud Protection
Protect from Fake Conversions, Fake Traffic, Fake Clicks and Proxy Clicks.

Smart Link
Automatically redirects users to the most appropriate destination based on their criteria.

Advanced Click Tracker
Country wise clicks can be tracked and all click information available.

A Complete Solution For Affiliate Network!
- Easily manage your partners & advertisers.
- Run any offer by filtering any criteria.
- Set custom setting for different partners.
- Get realtime reporting and download.
- Automatically generate invoice by setting.

Powerful Tracking System
- Real-Time Reporting
- Cookie and Cookieless Tracking
- Postback URL and S2S (Server-to-Server) Tracking
- Cross-Device Tracking
- Multi-Channel Tracking
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